Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I got DSTV

Since my wife fell pregnant we decided to get DSTV for the home. I had DSTV a few years back but I could not justify the cost of the subscription compared to the amount of TV I watched anymore. The problem usually was that the shows I wanted to see was screened at times I could not watch them and the amount of hassle involved in setting the VCR to record the shows every time was not worth it, not to even mention the amount of VHS tapes I required.

DSTV in their wisdom decided to release the PVR decoder and that put the whole subscription fee issue in a whole new light. The PVR allows me to set recording times for all my favorite shows thus insuring that I do not miss any of my shows, which means I finally get what I pay for, well almost.

I am a bit disappointed that DSTV decided to cancel the Sci-Fi channel, but I do like the extra nature shows and the new Disney channel. My frame of reference for old and new is 2002 vs. 2007, so the Disney channel might have been created a long time ago, but to me it is new.

I also bought myself a new Samsung DVD recorder. My LG DVD player packed up so I needed to replace it so I bought the DVD recorder instead of just a player. The upside is I can now play my recorded shows through my DVD recorder and record the shows I want to keep onto DVD-R. Shows like Nigella Feasts and Jamie's Kitchen are really shows I want to keep on DVD-R instead of on the PVR's hard drive.

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